
Thursday 14 May 2020


Adolf von Bismarck was a twenty five year old man from Dortmund living in a coastal town in the United Kingdom. He was born on 28th of December 1991. He had met his best friend and associate in Glasgow two years previously when he was investigating a killing which had occurred in the city centre. The case inspector was Harry Barclay, a twenty three year old man who was born on 23rd of December 1993 in Edinburgh. His best friends were and are Peter Smith and John McWilde also a private detective like him. Mr. Bismarck married Anne Hatherwood and had a twin babies; one boy and one girl: the boy was named Ansgar after a German colonel who was one of the most important secret agents in the second world war and had worked with MI6, the British intelligent service. The girl was named Mary after one of Adolf's girlfriends who was with his father when he was eighteen years old. Adolf had dark brown chestnut, wavy hair and dark brown eyes; he was tall and thin, he had a black moustache and beard and he wore green glasses. Bismarck wore a white shirt, blue tie, grey jacket, jeans and a black top hat. He had a handgun in the pocket of his overcoat in case of danger during one of the cases that he had to solve. He drove a grey BMW which he had bought a year before of his 30th birthday. They lived in a cottage near the city of Maldon in the county of Essex. Mr. Barclay had been an inspector in the Scottish Police Service and resigned from his rank when with Adolf’s help he had solved the murder and had then become a private detective, founding a private investigation firm with a German friend in London. He married two days after the foundation to a Scottish novelist named Elisabeth McFloyd. Nine months later the Barclays had a baby girl who they baptised Diana Olivia Barclay and a baby boy who they named Gareth William Barclay. They decided to choose Adolf von Bismarck as their godfather. Harry had a brown straight hair and a black eyes; he was of medium-sized height , he wore a French black moustache and a small beard. He also wore a green jacket, blue jeans, white shirt and a black bow tie. He spokes English and German and a bit of French too. He was drove a brown Citroën C3 which he had bought one day after of his daughter's birth; they lived in a comfortable house in the ancient part of Ashford in the county of Kent. In his free time he wrote poetry and short stories. One day in June they met in the office at eight o'clock because a woman wanted their services: her husband had been killed by someone the previous night when he was returning to his house with a valise with one and a half million British Pounds Stirling inside it. His killer had robbed him after the murder. The woman, an odd and dubious lady was named Sara Winedrive, had received a note from the guilty person, threatening that if she said anything to the police, he would kill her too. As they hadn't eat anything since early morning, they offered her a cup of coffee and some fruit whilst they were talking about the murder. When they finished the conversation, Mr. Bismarck and Mr. Barclay drove with Mrs. Winedrive in his BMW to the street where the killing happened. They saw the authorities analysing the body of the victim and searching for clues to help them incriminate the murder. As Harry Barclay recognised the case commissioner and wanted to ask her some questions about it. He wanted to know who had seen the victim and the approximate time of the crime. The police officer answered all the questions and gave him the address of an alleged witness who had told them that he had seen it all: the witness lived in Doncaster, a village in the county of South Yorkshire. While Harry Barclay went to St. Pancras railway station in London to buy train tickets, Adolf von Bismarck saw Sara Windrive to her house and called his old friend Arthur Martinson to protect her (he did not want to be responsible for her killing).
After that, they met on the tenth platform at the station and they took the Master Cutler train on the East Midlands line which departed London at 17:02 that afternoon, arriving at Doncaster at 18:45 approximately.
They left the compartment and carriage and exited Doncaster station. They took a taxi and ordered the taxi driver to take them to village inn. They booked two bedrooms, ate a dish of fish and chips and whilst Adolf von Bismarck was in his bedroom calling Arthur Hatherwood to ask how was Mrs. Winedrive was, Harry Barclay located the witness and asked him to visit him that night or the next morning. The man responded that it was better to meet the next morning because he was with his wife and his children at home, eating dinner and watching a film on television.
When Mr. Bismarck finished talking with Mr. Hatherwood and heard the worst that happened in Mrs. Winedrive's house in London, he talked with Harry and they decided that Harry would talk to the witness the following day and Adolf would go to London to know how she was killed and why.
The next morning, Adolf took the Master Cutler in Sheffield at 7:25 to come back to London and his associate Harry Barclay went to visit the man who the commissioner recommended him to talk about the mystery. Mr. Bismarck arrived in London at 9:25 and by a taxi, he went Mrs. Winedrive's house to see Arthur and asked him some questions about the crime.
As it was a weekly day, the traffic jam of London was become a difficult for him and they arrived at Winedrive's mansion at half past ten. The taxi driver parked hist taxi opposite Winedrive's residence, Adolf ordered him to wait for his going out and he rang the bell of the house. Arthur opened it saying him hello and asking him what had gone, the night before, for them.
Mr. Martinson guided Adolf to the living room while he said him hello and answered him how was him. "Do you know the roughly time of the murder?" Adolf asked him also while he was putting his jacket in the coat stand and he was sitting on the sofa between the table and the armchair in the biggest and the most comfortable room he has ever been since his birth.
"I think it was 9 o'clock post meridiem when I listened the gunshots in her bedroom. I was in mine and I went to see Sara... I found her corpse. I called Scotland Yard and when they arrived they arrested me as the main suspicious of the crime. They found my fingerprints in the handgun, the murder weapon. Nevertheless, I think the killer used gloves to do it. Do you think the same, Mr. Bismarck?" he asked him.
"I think so!" answered Adolf. "Mr. Martinson, where the handgun was when the killing occurred and you was in your bedroom?" asked Adolf when Harry Barclay called him to tell him what the testimony said. However, Adolf von Bismarck didn't take the phone call; he wanted to know all the things of the murder.
"My handgun it was on the table in her bedroom as a precaution. I think it was there!" Arthur answered nervously.
"And where the police found the murder weapon?" asked Adolf again while he was going to the kitchen with Arthur to prepare a cup of tea to drink thinking that that questioning would last all the morning.
"Near Winedrive's bed. I think it was there too!" answered Arthur again.
They went to Sara's bedroom and Adolf began to find the gloves. He found the evidence beneath the bed and with Arthur, he went to the police station to see the forensic surgeon and analyze the clue. The forensic surgeon was a young woman who had the most wonderful blonde straight hair that Adolf has ever seen; more beautiful than his wife's hair... And the most beautiful blue eyes he has ever seen... He fell in love of her immediately.
"Good job!" the forensic surgeon said when she finished the task. Adolf saw her badge: her name was Bianka Hoffman; she was german too. "I find some fingerprints. I introduce the datum in the Scotland Yard database and I find someone who has the same fingerprints: the someone is a thirty years old man who was lanky and slim, he has a blonde unswerving hair, a green eyes, a potato nose and some beard. He is living in Doncaster. I think I can give you his address!" she said with a sweetie soprano voice and a bit of german accent.
Before leaving the police station Adolf gave her thanks for her help and asked her in German which was her name, where did she live and he asked her also for his age.
Bianka thought the answers for some minutes and answered in German his questions and, in the end, she asked him the same queries self-consciously: "Ich heiße Bianka Hoffman. Ich bin 28 jahre alt und Ich wohne in London. Wie heißen Sie? Wie alt sind Sie? Wo wohnen Sie?" she asked him also.
"Ich heiße Adolf von Bismarck, Ich bin 28 jahre alt und Ich wohne in Maldon." he answered before Bianka, who fell in love of him too because he was a german guy as her, kissed him and begun their extramarital affair.
When they said goodbye, Adolf saw Arthur Martinson to his house and he bought a 1st class ticket for the evening Master Cutler and he came back to Sheffield by train.
During the travel, he phoned Harry and he told him what had happened in London. Harry explained him what the testimony told him: as the commissioner said, he knew the truth about it and saw how the killer killed Mr. Winedrive near Oxford Street. The testimony recognised the killer because the murderer was one of his village neighbours and of course, the description was the same as Bianka gave him also.
The train arrived at the Doncaster station at the same hour as the afternoon before. He took his jacket and his hat and when he went out of the train he had a gratifying surprise: Harry Barclay was in the station waiting for him with a taxi driver who drove them to the inn of the village.
The taxi driver was tall and skinny, he had a blonde uncrooked hair, an emerald eyes, a tattie front end and several stubble. Adolf thought for a moment that was the killer however, when he began to talk with him, he met that he had an identical twin who was living in his daddy's castle in the outskirts of that hospitable village of South Yorkshire district.
After the dinner with his friend Harry, a waiter gave some good news to Adolf: the killer wanted to see them the next day in his house at 11:00 a.m. to tell them how and why he killed Winedrive marriage but in exchange he wanted to go out of the country at the same night.
Adolf told to Harry what had happened and they decided to accept the offer. After all, it was the only thing they had at the moment. Surely he would not to be the killer but he would tell them who was the man or the woman had taken him as a hit man.
They woke up at six o'clock and they saw the television. Mrs. Emily O'Donnell, the police officer who was investigating the Winedrive marriage murder, with the help of the investigating judge of that case, had arrested and jailed Arthur Martinson as Winedrive marriage killer.
At half past ten, they went out of the hotel and they went to visit their main suspicious. He was living in a castle near the town where they had spend the two nights before the search of the man who organised all the killing. They arrived at eleven o'clock and Harry knocked the door. A man opened it and he invited them to drink with him a cup of coffee and to confess a part of his guilty. He began to talk with them in his living room.
The castle was his father's property, one of the richest english gentlemens who lived nad was borned in the United Kingdom during the first world war and nowadays, the most important prime minister of the U. K. It lived some pillagings during the civil (and religion) wars, the most important plundering had happened during the Rising of the North.
"I am going to confess you my guilty!" he began to talk. "Nevertheless, before doing it, I want to tell you that I have an identical twin in this town who is the only taxi driver; the same that Adolf confused the night before when you were coming back to the guesthouse and he persuaded me to do this declaration: it was a cold and windy night of november, two years before Windrive marriage murder. I met with the president with the British Bank who was Mr. Winedrive's most enemy. James Winedrive it was a banker from the same bank as the person who hired me to kill them which one day he met the financial bleaching and the corruption plot of the British Bank which would made run short of their houses two thousand of british people to benefit the govern. My father, the british Prime Minister, wanted it too!" told to Harry and Adolf who were recording the conversation with a voice and film recorder which was inside their luggage.
"Continue please, talking about it, what the president of the British Bank wanted to do with you and the plan to make it!" said Harry Barclay.
"Of course, James Winedrive, when he met that, he went to tell the police what had happened in the British Bank. Some of the main police officers of Scotland Yard and from all the British Police were inside of this corruptions conspiracy hired by the Prime Minister and the president of the British Bank!" he continued. "However, he couldn't do anything because  the commissioner who paid him attention, Mrs. Emily O'Donnell, was involved in. I suppose that the investigating judge who condemned today Mr. Martinson is involved in too!" he added. "And when Mrs. O'Donnell told it to the president of the British Bank, the president wanted to meet with me in a pub of Greenwich to hire me as a hit man and plan the murder." finished the hit man who took the cup of coffee and finished to drink it also.
"Thank you!" answered Adolf. We are going to tell it to the newspaper THE GUARDIAN and publish the information. After that, the British Police will arrest the guilties and you will go out of the country as a hero.
They said goodbye and they took the train to come back to London. That evening newspaper published the news with their help and BBC interviewed the hit man.
Bianka talked with the chief superintendent and this, with the help of some police officers and police agents who were not involved in the crime and with Adolf and Harry's help, thye arrested the investigating judge of the case, Emily O'Donnell and her henchmen's, the president of the British Bank and the Prime Minister also.
As a bounty for solving the case, Harry Barclay was appointed as the new chief constable of the Kent Police and the commissioner of the south of Kent county —his predecessor was involved in— and Adolf von Bismarck had to employ Bianka Hoffman as his associate in his private investigation firm owing to the vacancy which was leaved by his friend Harry.

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